CGQ Mixtape Vol. 3 – PC Engine Chip Shooters

It’s time for volume 3, and is the third time the charm? You bet it is! This mixtape is all about PC Engine HuCard shooters, and this one is my favorite tape so far! Shooters were one of the most popular genres of video game in the late 80s and very early 90s, and games … Read more

CGQ Mixtape Vol. 2 – The Super Nintendo in 1991

On the second episode of CGQ Mixtape, let’s head to the other side of the tracks to check out the music of the Super Nintendo in it’s first calendar year on the market.  Konami was a major presence on the console with both Super Castlevania IV (which has some of my favorite SNES music) and … Read more

CGQ Mixtape Vol. 1 – The Sega Genesis in 1991

CGQ Mixtape Vol. 1 – The Sega Genesis in 1991 On this first episode of CGQ Mixtape, we take a look back at the music of the Sega Genesis in 1991.  The year was noteworthy for the release of a couple of blockbuster titles; Streets of Rage and Sonic The Hedgehog, but there were other … Read more

Building a Basic MiSTer FPGA Console

One of the most exciting projects in the realm of retrogaming today is the MiSTer, an open-source, FPGA-based emulation device that uses hardware description languages to re-create the hardware from your favorite old home consoles, arcade games, and even home computers on a chip-by-chip basis. Unlike software-based emulation platforms like the Raspberry Pi, RetroArch, OpenEmu, … Read more

8 Years Too Late: CGQ Reviews the Classic Game Room Movie

Classic Game Room was the first YouTube channel to which I ever subscribed, and is part of a small handful of things that inspired me to create Classic Gaming Quarterly.  When the show re-launched in 2008 I had never heard of it, finding it on YouTube by happenstance.  8 years later, Classic Game Room is still going … Read more

Amory Wong: The Classic Gaming Quarterly Interview

Amory Wong started working at EA Canada when it was still independent developer “Distinctive Software”, or DSI.  They developed a number of noteworthy sports and racing games in the late 80’s and early 90’s, including Hardball II, Test Drive, and one of my all-time favorite DOS games, Stunts (A.K.A. “4D Driving”.)  DSI was eventually bought … Read more

Retro Gamer #149 makes it out for Boxing Day!

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   Of course, we don’t actually celebrate Boxing Day here in the U.S., but I couldn’t think of anything better for the title of this … Read more

Retro Gamer #148 is out today!

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   My local mag-monger calls me every month when Retro Gamer comes in, and today I actually made it in same-day to collect it!  So … Read more

Retro Gamer #147 Comes to America!

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   OK, it actually hit last week but I was sick so I couldn’t go pick it up.  What have they got cooking this issue? … Read more

Retro Gamer #146 Esta Aqui…

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   This month we’re getting some culture up in this B’ by going bilingual.  Hopefully that doesn’t make people who see it in Google search … Read more

Retro Gamer 144 Hits North American Shores

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   The latest issue of Retro Gamer (#144) hit news stands here in the United States this week. Features of interest to North American gamers … Read more

Retro Gamer #143 is out in the US

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   The new issue of Retro Gamer hit newsstands in the US this week.  Issue 143 is full of awesome, including a 10-page spread on … Read more

Fix your NES with the Blinking Light Win

The Nintendo Entertainment System is famous for a few things: resurrecting a dead home video game market here in the United States, launching a huge number of storied franchises that still exist to this day, and having an unreliable hardware issue centered around its 72-pin cartridge edge connector, manifesting itself in the form of a … Read more

Tecmo Bowl Retrospective

Episode 13 – This week on the show, I review Tecmo Bowl and Tecmo Super Bowl on the NES, which are both classics that you undoubtedly played if you grew up in the 80’s. I also take a look at Tecmo Super Bowl 2014 from the good folks at, which gives you the same … Read more

Replacing the PCB in Your Atari CX-10 “Heavy-Sixer” Joystick

Atari joysticks are very simple devices, and as such there isn’t much that can go wrong with them. Their Achilles’ Heel however is the metal domes that, when pushed down by the joystick or fire button, complete the circuit to register the input. Over time, these domes wear out and lose their elasticity, drift out … Read more